Sunday, February 14, 2016


Wednesday February 10, 2016,  I joined the Deputy Grand Master, RW Bro Paul E Todd in attending the regular meeting of Sydney Albert Luke.  That evening, two Bros; Alexander Mang and Kodjo Boessi were to be raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason as well as a 50 year pin presentation to VW Bro Bert Panke.
The Lodge opened at 7:30 sharp, and approximately 15 minutes later, the Deputy and I were led in under the wands by Bros. Alan Christie and Goodwyn Tshegnon.  W Bro Alan Hale presented the two of us to the WM and to the  Lodge and W Bro Jeff Christie led the Brethren in Grand honours seven times.
The Deputy assumed the gavel and thanked the Brethren on behalf of Grand Lodge and then turn it over to me to bring my personal greetings.
We presented the 50 year pin to VW Bro Panke and began the work of the evening.
Both candidates were well prepared and the degree went smoothly.  Lodge closed at approximately 10:40 and pictures were taken.
Following Lodge the Secretary announced that they would be trying their first wine tasting.
 The DD, Bro Alexander Mang, WM. and 50 yr pin recipient  VW Bro Bert Panke and the Deputy
                                   A few minutes to get caught up on what each other has been up to.
                                                 The Deputy with W Bro Jeff Christie

                        The candidate Alexander Mang along with W Bro Scott howie and VW Bro Panke
                                                     Last minute details before the meeting.

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