Friday, March 25, 2016

OFFICIAL VISIT to Russell Lodge

I was joined by 54 Masons at Russell Lodge on Monday March 21, 2016 for my Official Visit.  Lodge started sharply at 7:00pm and the current Grand Lodge Officers and Masters of the Year were escorted in shortly thereafter.  At approximately 7:15 I was escorted into Lodge under the wands by W Bro Greg Smith and Bro Rob Paradis, presented to the WM and the Lodge by W Bro Dennis Moore and Grand Honours were led by Bro Doug Carnegie.
The Work of the Evening was to present W Bro Smith with his father's Past Masters Jewel, Masonic Education on Mental health and to hold a Lodge of Discussion on Masons and their Effect on Social Media.
All three elements of the night were very moving and the Brethren participated with passion and total honesty.  The Lodge of Discussion was very active and educational but when W Bro Smith began his presentation on Mental Health, the Brethren were still in the 'Discussion' mode and we embarked on another Lodge of Discussion only this one much more revealing than the first.

If ever I needed a visual to explain what I ultimately hoped for when I came up with the idea of holding Lodges of Discussions on my Official Visits....tonight was it.
Excellent work to all who participated.

As is their usual custom, the Brethren of Russell Lodge presented me with a custom made Gavel to commemorate my Official Visit.  Thank you very much to the members of Russell Lodge but in particular to the artisan who fashioned my keepsake; W Bro Ghislain Cormier.

                                                              The Brethren Assembled
                                                         Grand Lodge officers assembled
                                                                  Masters of the year
                                          Senior Wardens Group and our next years Masters

                                                                     Up-Coming Events
March 29, 2016 -OMA Spring Assembly with Guest Speaker RW Bro David Cameron
April 2, 2016 -    Cornerstone laying Ceremony with guest of honour MW Bro John C Green
                            Sealys Bay Ontario.  2:00pm
April 2, 2016 -    Dogs of 200 Charity Table lodge -  Westboro Temple 6:00pm-9:30pm
April 3, 2016 -    District Divine Service - Trinity Presbyterian on Medicaid Rd, Ottawa
April 7, 2017 -    OFFICIAL VISIT to my Mother Lodge St Andrews 560.  Banquet BEFORE
                            Lodge at 6:00.  Work of the Evening is to hold a Lodge of Discussion

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