Wednesday, March 30, 2016

OMA Meeting with Guest Speaker RWB David Cameron

Tuesday night we met at Walkley Road for the Spring Assembly of the OMA and to elect the new officers for 2016-17.  The Deputy Grand Master was in attendance, as well as the guest speaker, and member of the Board RWB David Cameron.
The night was light and the meal was delicious.  The nuts and bolts of the meeting being ended, RWB Cameron stepped up to the podium and presented his paper on the Future of Masonry.  The content of the presentation was not new to most of us but it was reassuring to hear it reinforced by so many notable speakers.
Congratulations to the new officers of the OMA and I look forward to working with you all next year.

                                                                    Up-Coming Events

April 2, 2016 -    Cornerstone laying Ceremony with guest of honour MW Bro John C Green
                            Sealys Bay Ontario.  2:00pm
April 2, 2016 -    Dogs of 200 Charity Table lodge -  Westboro Temple 6:00pm-9:30pm
April 3, 2016 -    District Divine Service - Trinity Presbyterian on Medicaid Rd, Ottawa
April 7, 2017 -    OFFICIAL VISIT to my Mother Lodge St Andrews 560.  Banquet BEFORE
                            Lodge at 6:00.  Work of the Evening is to hold a Lodge of Discussion

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