Lodge opened at 7:00 and the Current Grand Lodge Officers and masters of the Year were escorted in by VW Bro Sandy Stewart. At approximately 7:15 I was brought in and escorted to the Altar then to the East by Bros. Abe Garcia and Roy Souza. VW Bro Sandy Stewart presented me to the WM and to the Lodge and Bro. John Werenchuck led the Brethren in Grand honours seven times.
In honour of VW Bro Stewart's Grandfather Alexander Kerr Stewart, District Deputy of the whole Ottawa District 1945-46 I was wearing RW Bro Stewart's DDGM Apron. RW Bro Stewart was a founding member of St Andrew's Lodge and their first member to become a District Deputy. I was humbled and honoured to be wearing this treasured piece of history.
The Lodge business was taken care of and a memorial to MW Bro Raymond S Daniels held, followed by a a 50 year pin presentation to W Bro Stanley Alward. W Bro Can Aysan did a presentation on W Bro Alward's Masonic career and, after giving a few well spoken words from W Bro Alward, we progressed to the work of the evening.
The work of the evening was a Lodge of Discussion on Why we joined Masonry and what we thought we would get out of it. The discussion was moderated by W Bro Ayan and many of the Brethren were engaged. It is truly amazing how different the stories were but at the same time how they shared many similarities.
I ended the evening with my address entitled "Making Good Men Better". Lodge was closed at approximately 9:10 and after the pictures were taken, we retired to the Feast from the East.
The Brethren assembled.
Grand Lodge Officers present
DD with the Masters of the year
DDGM, Angus Gillis, W Bro Stanley Alward and the WM W Bro Mitri Hanna
The St Andrew's Crew along with VW Bro Sandy Stewart
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