The Lodge was opened at 7:30 pm and shortly after, a distinguished delegation from Goodwood Lodge led by WM W Bro David Butler were escorted into the Lodge room where they received Grand honours.
After they had been received, the current Grand lodge officers and current Masters were led into the Lodge where they received Grand honours.
I was admitted into the Lodge room at approx. 7:45 pm under the wands and was escorted to the altar by Bros. Scott Newman and Alain Meere, presented to the Lodge by RW Bro Len Westwell (the longest running PDDGM in the District at 41 years) and received Grand honours by Bro Nairn Reid. I was then led to the East and assumed the gavel.
Tonight was the biggest test of my powers of observation and recall. There were so many past Grand Lodge Officers and while I did not forget any names I had a hard time finding them all in the crowd and I confused the order a little bit.
The work of the evening was a Lodge of Discussion and the topic was Masonry and Social media. As expected, the discussion was lively, continuous and virtually every position on the topic was discussed. I think is it safe to say that no ones position on social media was changed after the discussion had ended, however, everyone received a better appreciation of each others thoughts on the subject.
This discussion was a perfect seq-way into my address which was based on Change and was entitled "That's not the way we did it in my year"
The lodge was closed at 9:10 pm and we retired to the banquet hall for the Smoked Meat Feast.
All in all it was a terrific night, congratulations to the WM Trevor Hemmerling and his officers for a job well done.
Current Grand Lodge Officers
The Brethren assembled
The Masters of the year
Up-Coming Events
February 4, 2016 - St Andrew's Lodge Burns' Night
February 9, 2016 - OFFICIAL VISIT to Civil Service Loge
February 10, 2016 - First Fraternal Visit to Sydney Albert Luke
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