I would like to thank RWB Collin Abbot for his piping prowess, Bros Daniel Chartrand and Brian Hay who escorted me to the Altar and then to the East, RWB Jim Cale who presented me to the Master and his Lodge and to Bro Bruce Ludlow who led the Brothers in Grand Honours.
There were a number of visitors last night some from as far as Texas and our East coast. One of Edinburgh's members commented to me later, they outnumbered the members and this was a good thing, as the room was packed.
The work of the evening was to hold a ballot, present an award and to hold a Lodge of Discussion on 'The Origins of Masonry'. The presentation was to Bro Bruce Ludlow for his faithful service to the lodge over the years. In addition to a Certificate signed by the Master, Bro Ludlow was presented with a complete set of mini working tools. This presentation caught Bro Ludlow completely off guard and he was at a loss for works. Good work Edinburgh!
The Lodge of Discussion was engaging and it seemed the camps were divided on Masonic stone guilds and Knights Templar and while we may never definitively know where Masonry first actually got its start, it will always be a source of discussion and enlightenment.
My address for the evening was entitled Is Masonry Relevant in the 21st Century.
At the end of the evening the Brother Tabrizi, SW of Jacques De molay Lodge in Houston Texas exchanged Lodge memorabilia with the WM, Shane Livingstone. Lodge was closed at 9:20 and after pictures we retired to the Banquet hall. A great evening, thank you to the Master of Edinburgh and all the members of Ottawa District 1 who were in attendance.
The Brethren Assembled
Masters of the Year
Presentation to Bro Bruce Ludlow for faithful service, with W Bro Shane Livingstone
DDGM, our Texan Brother Said Tabrizi, WM, and VWB Al Quinn, Lodge Secretary
Up-Coming events
May 8, 2016 - Civil Service Lodge - 50 year pin presentation to RWB Les Richardson
May 15, 2016 - Official Visit to Lodge of Fidelity-Lodge of Discussion Masonry's role in
Preventing Racism and Bigotry
May 16, 2016 - Official Visit to Hazeldean Lodge-Lodge of Discussion - Topic TBD
May 21, 2016 - Official Visit to Russel Lodge - Lodge of Discussion - Masonry and Social Change
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