I was escorted into Lodge byBros Paul Parent and David Dawson, presented to the Lodge by W Bro Anthony Kopt Johnson and Grand honours were led by Bro Alper Govner.
The work of the evening was to hold a Lodge of Discussion and the topic was Masonry and Social media anf was moderated by Brother Colin Mackenzie
It was a great night full of many opposing opinions on whether or not we should be venturing out into the cyber world or to just rely on the old but tried and true methods of getting our messages out there. I don`t think we will ever get a definative answer on which way is best, but like one Brother put it....ìt`s not a choice whether or not to use social media, it`s there and we have to recognize that. It`s HOW do we responsibly use that medium`.
The Brethren assembled
The Current Grand Lodge Officers
With the Masters of the Year
DDGM & WM, W Bro Bart Seaton
W Bro Ivan Harris being presented his Chile Cook off Trophy
Up-coming Events
Monday March 21, 2016 - OFFICIAL VISIT to Russel Lodge. Lodge of Discussion
Masonry and Social Change
Thursday April 7, 2016 - OFFICIAL VISIT to St Andrews. TBD
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